Look ma, no textbooks! This course treats you like a child - - in the best way possible - - starting with one-word phrases ("please," "goodbye"), counting exercises, and simple nouns ("bus," "train") designed to imitate a child's learning process. First you hear the words in English, then they are repeated slowly in clear, unaccented pronunciations. This method is extremely effective for those who don't know a thing, or for those who want to brush up.
Not an Intro but a Real Learning Experience
A powerful yet easy way to learn a foreign language - anywhere!
No textbooks or cumbersome manuals, just play and learn
A Proven Way To Learn
- Self-paced and interactive
Learn words and phrases first, then build these into sentences and clear conversation
Simple, Yet Effective!
Millions have used Learn To Speak Spanish In Your Car for the basic travel needs of arranging hotels, ordering meals, changing money, as well as having the confidence to communicate with foreign language speakers at home and abroad.
The CDs emphasize the building blocks of communicating in a foreign country rather than rote phrases that only apply to the lesson and not in real-life exchanges.
This is the fastest way to learn a language, guaranteed! It's easy to use while driving, walking or working around the home. The unique format allows for recall and repetition and includes listening guides with recorded text and grammar notes. The focus is on communication and you'll be speaking Spanish in no time.
Make Your Commute Time Useful
Just pop in a CD and you're ready. By the time you get to work you'll be learning and speaking Spanish. You'll learn the way people learn best - - by learning words and phrases and building these into sentences and clear conversation.
Three Levels Designed to Make You Fluent
Level 1 - Beginner: Introduces key words and phrases, develops basic grammar skills, emphasizes travel needs (3 CDs)
Level 2 - Intermediate: Increases vocabulary, presents new grammar concepts, includes more routine day-to-day experiences (3 CDs)
Level 3 - Advanced: Broadens vocabulary base, adds even more grammar skills, enriches conversational abilities (3 CDs)
Includes: 9 CDs, Leather Carrying Case, 3 Booklets with helpful scripts